Resultados: 6

Teoria do risco de quedas em pessoas idosas na comunidade

As taxas de quedas entre pessoas idosas na comunidade têm se mantido elevadas, apesar dos esforços em desenvolvimento de pesquisas que buscam explicar o fenômeno, descrever suas causas e consequências e maneiras de preveni-las. Pessoas com 60 anos ou mais sofrem o maior número de quedas fatais. Cont...

Evaluation of fall risk factors present during institutionalization of elderly people

ABSTRACT Objectives: to describe the development and validation of the Scale of Practices of Evaluation of Fall Risk Factors during Institutionalization of Elderly People and to describe the practices of evaluation of communication of fall risks to institutionalized elderly people. Methods: methodolo...

fall risks in the elderly, an avoidable multifactorial event

Cult. cuid. enferm; 17 (2), 2020
Introduction Falls in the elderly represent important alterations in functionality and are given by intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors, which constitute an increase in morbidity and mortality, so a preventive care plan must be carried out. Objective To describe the risk factors associated with falls of...

Riesgo de caídas y su relación con la capacidad física y cognitiva, en una residencia de adultos mayores de Santiago de Chile

Cult. cuid. enferm; 17 (2), 2020
Introducción El incremento acelerado de la población adulta a nivel global, ha dado un cambio demográfico que impacta en la esperanza de vida al nacer y que se espera que para el 2100 se encuentre en 90 años. Para el adulto mayor el mejor indicador de salud es su estado funcional, el riesgo de perder...

Home fall of elderly people: implications of stressors and representations in the COVID-19 context

Rev. gaúch. enferm; 42 (spe), 2021
ABSTRACT Objectives To describe personal conditions and home structure that predisposes the elderly to the risk of falling, in the perspective of Neuman's stressors; to describe the content, structure and origin of social representations about falling at home by elderly people; and conjecture the implic...